Solicitação finalizada pelo atendente

Hook emitido quando o atendente termina o preenchimento dos dados da solicitação (Issue), como anotações, tabulação e questionário. Quando ele clica em "Salvar" esse hook é disparado. Os dados enviados são os seguintes:

Dados incompletos:

  "content": {
    "id": "64ece5e81e040612e81b1e07",
    "queue": {
      "id": "64ece5e5b48250442a95c4d5"
    "department": {
      "id": "5f723dda8945122fdc86b5cc"
    "customer": {
      "id": "5ffdab3181b6a51afc89ba7f"
    "attendant": {
      "id": "5eeed10c1fcc1918a892a3c1"
  "hookType": "attendant_closed_call",
  "hookDescription": "Atendente fechou a chamada",
  "timestamp": "2023-08-28T18:23:47.914Z"

Dados completos:

  "content": {
    "id": "65372643c22a7973c603c653",
    "initialDate": "2023-10-24T02:04:51.773Z",
    "expirationDate": "2023-10-24T02:05:11.234Z",
    "duration": 20,
    "ticket": "23102499066577",
    "recorded": true,
    "recordingDeleted": false,
    "tags": [
        "id": "60d3423babf54861b882f07c",
        "label": "Dúvida",
        "description": "Cliente tinha dúvidas sobre o produto",
        "color": "#ece755"
		"issues": [
      	"key": "0192831",
        "name": "Ticket 01",
        "data": [
          	"value": "0192831",
            "label": "contrato"
          	"value": "R$ 100,00",
            "label": "Valor"                
    "textChat": [],
    "department": {
      "id": "5f71281d1c2758f7d019c7c4",
      "name": "Nuvidio",
      "identifier": "nuvidio"
    "queue": {
      "id": "65372642bfcaec1cc92a2dcb",
      "logs": [
          "name": "done",
          "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:04:51.735Z",
          "detail": {
            "message": "User moved to call by attendant 5cb6490584f3022388480647",
            "code": "shift"
          "name": "routed-to-attendant",
          "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:04:50.250Z",
          "detail": {
            "message": "Call routed to attendant with id: 5cb6490584f3022388480647",
            "code": "routed-to-attendant"
          "name": "enqueued",
          "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:04:50.207Z",
          "detail": {
            "message": "User enqueued",
            "code": "push"
      "origin": "",
      "device": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
      "status": {
        "name": "done",
        "detail": {
          "message": "User moved to call by attendant 5cb6490584f3022388480647",
          "code": "shift",
        "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:04:51.735Z",
      "enqueuedAt": "2023-10-24T02:04:50.207Z",
      "unqueuedAt": "2023-10-24T02:04:51.738Z",
      "transference": {
        "to": {}
      "createdAt": "2023-10-24T02:04:50.210Z"
    "customer": {
      "name": "Cliente",
      "id": "60175bd1e43650318015fe4a",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "tel": "31999999999",
      "cpf": "00000000000"
      "connectedAt": "2023-10-24T02:04:53.449Z",
    "customerData": {
      "contrato": {
        "label": "Contrato",
        "value": "10291012",
    "invite": {
      "id": "65372637db09d16ea44b3fa5",
      "token": "bd94b60f-210b-4d30-852a-0d769d4aaf81",
      "link": "",
      "shortLink": ""
    "attendant": {
      "name": "Atendente",
      "id": "5cb6490584f3122388480647",
      "notes": "Anotações",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "reference": "1231",
      "connectedAt": "2023-10-24T02:04:52.639Z"
    "logs": [
        "name": "finalized_by_attendant",
        "client": "Atendente",
        "clientRole": "attendant",
        "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:05:11.234Z",
        "detail": "Finalize call with success"
        "name": "disconnected",
        "client": "Cliente",
        "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:05:11.687Z",
        "detail": "User disconnected from room",
        "clientRole": "customer"
        "name": "disconnected",
        "client": "Atendente",
        "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:05:11.304Z",
        "detail": "User disconnected from room",
        "clientRole": "attendant"
        "name": "connected",
        "client": "Cliente",
        "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:04:55.833Z",
        "detail": "User joining on room",
        "clientRole": "customer"
        "name": "connected",
        "client": "Atendente",
        "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:04:55.449Z",
        "detail": "User joining on room",
        "clientRole": "attendant"
        "timestamp": "2023-10-24T02:04:51.779Z",
        "client": "Atendente",
        "detail": "Attendant started record",
        "name": "started_record",
        "clientRole": "attendant"
    "questionnaire": []
  "hookType": "attendant_closed_call",
  "hookDescription": "Atendente fechou a chamada",
  "timestamp": "2023-08-28T18:23:47.935Z"